Journal-Publishing.com is dedicated to discussing and promoting the publication of academic and scientific research, particularly in peer-reviewed journals. Our resources for authors, editors and other individuals involved in the publication of advanced research include numerous posts on a wide range of research, writing and publishing topics, as well as a free online guide to successful journal publication. We also offer our readers the opportunity to write guest posts and share their own knowledge, practices and experiences in the world of academic publishing.
Our informative blog posts can be accessed chronologically, allowing you to scan through them in search of topics of particular interest – Choosing the Right Journal for your paper, for instance, Conquering Writers’ Block or Understanding the Types of Peer Review used by scholarly journals – but we have also arranged many of our posts into categories that offer detailed in-depth advice on specific issues, practices or concerns. You can therefore learn far more about the peer-review process if you consult the Help with Peer Review category, and if you are just beginning to write a research article that you intend to submit for journal publication, our Paper Writing Advice category may prove helpful, packed as it is with professional tips for designing and writing journal papers as well as their individual parts and sections, such as the abstract, the introduction, the literature review and the findings. If, on the other hand, your paper has been rejected by a journal editor or peer reviewer, an unpleasant reality that all researchers must face at times, the posts in our popular Dealing with Paper Rejection category will provide invaluable advice for moving forward in constructive ways. Whether you are struggling with the grammar of formal scholarly English, following journal guidelines to construct accurate citations and references or seeking excellent templates and samples of academic writing, our posts can help.
Discover helpful posts on journal publishing
Our online Guide to Successful Journal Publication offers an extended discussion of the challenging process of designing, writing and publishing an original research paper in a peer-reviewed journal, and it does so in bite-size pieces for quick access to helpful information. Beginning with the essential ingredients of a publishable academic or scientific article – original research, sound evidence and a persuasive academic argument – the book advises readers on the importance of writing the right paper for the right journal, presenting and organising research according to publisher guidelines, achieving an authoritative academic voice through excellent research and writing, and communicating effectively with journal editors during the submission, revision and publication processes. Additional topics include recording references and citations with precision, using footnotes and endnotes properly, displaying data clearly and accurately in lists, figures and tables, writing excellent headings, abstracts, paragraphs and covering letters, and even choosing the best possible keywords, verbs, pronouns and punctuation for your research. The Guide concludes with two sample letters written by a research author to a journal editor regarding the revisions the editor has requested in a submitted manuscript.
Guide to Successful Journal Publication
At Journal-Publishing.com we welcome new perspectives as eagerly as we do new knowledge and encourage our readers to share their experience and expertise via guest posts. Whether you would like to write about your academic publishing experiences as an author or proofreader, offer younger scholars practical advice as an editor or reviewer, or reveal your latest discovery or innovation as a researcher or writer, we would be delighted to consider your contribution. Publishing a guest post on Journal-Publishing.com is currently free of charge. If you are interested in contributing, please visit our Guest Posts page for further details.
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